Equivalents are usually present in non-Windows operating systems, but slight variations in how another operating system (OS) or even different versions of Windows manage these mean you should check support or documentation from your OS vendor to ensure ideal settings and stability.
Some sections of this will focus on Windows® settings and best practices. Where possible, links to documentation supporting these changes are included.
If you are unfamiliar with what is being discussed around a given variable, feel free to disregard its contents rather than risk incorrectly adjusting a setting and introducing instability in your system. Keep in mind these adjustments are optional, and with only a couple of exceptions, the gains are so minor that most users may never see a difference and never bother to make them a priority. With some minor tweaks, both prior to and after you install a new SATA solid state drive (SSD), you can gain performance boosts from your system above and beyond those from the SSD upgrade itself.